Formal Analysis:


This piece is heavily based on line work and value. The art piece is made up pencil, paint,micron pen and, india ink.Everything besides the clouds is line based. At the bottom in the middle of the composition is a human figure holding their soul. The figure is also faceless so when anyone walks by this they can imagine themselves in it and find themselves searching theirs. The soul also stretches across with line work in the middle with a pure value to show emotions. On the right is happiness, love, and relaxation on the left is sadness,anger,and flustered.

The composition has a lot of balance and it is almost symmetrical but its not. The soul spands out in 2 directions but one isn't as big or tall as the other one. The clouds aren't as big as the other. But everything on each side counter balances what is on the other side. Everything has a nice clean edge to it. The rainbow and lighting bolts have a the only thing that have color but give it a nice break from everything that is just black and white and give the viewer something to awe at.

Everything has meaning like stated early the emotion is the things inside of the souls waves. The clouds are storming and it trying to convince no matter what happen there is always good in the bad and to look for the good even if were in the worst. The colors show the beautiful side our world really has to offer. The emotions show that they can be bundle but also very expressive. The person inside the artwork is everyone and they show what people can be like when they final release what can bother somebody for a very long time.

The piece maybe clean and looks very nice but it could be a bit more symmetrical. It looks good but it could be a bit better if everything matched the side besides the bundle of emotions. The bit of color looks nice and gives us a nice break from pure black and white. The clouds on the rain bow side could have been a bit lighter but balances out the lighter hues of the rainbow colors.

Soul Searching

Soul Searching
